We sought feedback on the draft Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Procurement Policy which aims to reduce some of the barriers for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses and organisations to work with us.

We were looking for input on two key concepts within the policy, the Certifying Authorities and the definition of an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Enterprise.

A Certifying Authority is an organisation which provides services to confirm the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ownership and control of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander enterprises.

In making a submission, we encouraged you to consider the questions set out in the consultation paper.

Key points to consider

  • What are your thoughts on the proposed certifying authorities?
  • Are there other organisations you would like the Territory to recognise as a certifying authority?
  • How will the proposed procurement policy provide more opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander enterprises?
  • Is there a way this could be done better?
  • What are your thoughts on the process for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander enterprises accessing opportunities under the policy?
  • Are there any barriers or capacity challenges for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander enterprises using the policy?
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Are you of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin? (For persons of both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander origin, mark both 'Yes' boxes). Required
Do you own / operate an enterprise located in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT)? Required
Can we publish your comments online? Required

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.