Take the survey below to contribute your feedback on the Haig Park experiments.

Please note that the survey will be closed until after the ACT election, as per Caretaker Conventions.

1. On average, how often would you visit Haig Park?
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You have 255 characters left.

We are interested to know your views about any experiments you’ve seen in Haig Park recently and how they affect your experience of the park.

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You have 255 characters left.
6. Are there ways in which this experiment could be improved?
8. Would you like to see this type of experiment in the Park on a longer term basis?
9. The next section asks you to indicate your level of agreement with the following statements based on your experience of experiments in Haig Park.
Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree
I felt more connected to community
I felt more connected to Haig Park
I was engaged with the experience of the experiment
It made me feel more positive about Haig Park
It improved my sense of safety in Haig Park
It enhanced my view of the Heritage value of Haig Park
It enhanced my sense of wellbeing
You have 255 characters left.

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.